Source Code

Q: Where do you store your source code?

A: Git.

Q: What is check-out of code?

A:  We update the local copy of source code from GIT, it is called check-out.  Check out is done using git pull command.

Q: What is the check-in of code?

A:  We store modified code back to the code it is called check-in.  Check-in is done using git push command.

Q: What is the GIT clone?

A:  First time when we get a local copy of the project from git then it is called cloning.

Cloning is done using git clone command.

Q: How do you maintain the version of your source code?

A:  Git.

Q: Which expert classes have you created in your application?

A: All classes we have created in our application are expert classes. We have created controller, service, and dao classes in our application.

Q: Which non-expert classes have you created in your application?

A: None, all classes are expert class because we do encapsulation that creates expert classes.

Q Which classes have you created in your application?

A: We have created Controller, Service, and DAO classes.

Q What are the responsibilities of Controller classes?

A: It contains navigation logic.

Q What are the responsibilities of Service classes?

A: It contains business logic and does transaction handling.

Q What are the responsibilities of DAO classes?

A: It contains data access logic.

Q What is the version of a file?

A: Every time when you check in the updated file, it creates new versions of the file and keeps the old version of the file.  N number of check-ins will create N versions.

git add, git commit, and git push are fundamental commands in Git, a version control system. 

Q: What are git add, git commit and git push commands?

[1]git add: It adds new files to local repository for the next commit. 

[2]git commit: It commits changes to local repository with comments 

[3]git push: This command is used to upload local repository commits to a remote repository.